'Our world has been invaded by an unseen enemy. Humans become hosts for these invaders, their minds taken over while their bodies remain intact and continue their lives apparently unchanged. Most of humanity has succumbed.
When Melanie, one of the few remaining "wild" humans is captured, she is certain it is her end. Wanderer, the invading "soul" who has been given Melanie's body, was warned about the challenges of living inside a human: the overwhelming emotions, the glut of senses, the too vivid memories. But there was one difficulty Wanderer didn't expect: the former tenant of her body refusing to relinquish possession of her mind.
Wanderer probes Melanie's thoughts, hoping to discover the whereabouts of the remaining human resistance. Instead, Melanie fills Wanderer's mind with visions of the man Melanie loves—Jared, a human who still lives in hiding. Unable to separate herself from her body's desires, Wanderer begins to yearn for a man she has been tasked with exposing. When outside forces make Wanderer and Melanie unwilling allies, they set off on a dangerous and uncertain search for the man they both love.'
I haven't read this yet, and I've heard a few different opinions about it. I've heard that it is REALLY GOOD and then I've heard that its not the best. I think that it will be AWESOME! because it's by my favorite author! I'm going to read it and you all should too!

When Kristen Boone leaves Ashton, Idaho, to attend school at UCLA, she plans to pursue a career in theater and dance. But her plans are derailed when she meets Chad Nieteri, a wealthy, carefree, California boy who is intrigued by Kristen's wholesome Mormon values and begins dating her. What Kristen doesn't know is that Chad is also the leader of a gang of young men who support their extravagant lifestyles by impersonating police officers and stealing from illegal drug manufactures and dealers. When Kristen learns the truth about Chad and his friends, Chad sets out to silence her!
Hey guys there's a new author to this blog! its Kait, or kaitiebell as you might know her. Welcome Kait!
<3/book gurl
"Ask Annie your most complex interpersonal relationship questions. Go on, we dare you!
All letters to Annie are subject to publications in the Clayton High School Register. Names and e-mail addresses of correspondents guaranteed confidential.
High school junior Jenny Greenley is good at solving problems ... so good she's the school newspaper's anonymous advice columnist. Even if solving other people's problems doesn't make her own -- like not having a boyfriend -- go away, it's still fun. But when nineteen-year-old screen sensation Luke Strider comes to Jen's small town to research a role, he creates havoc that even levelheaded Jenny isn't sure she can repair ... especially since she's right in the middle of it.
Can Jen, who always manages to be there for everybody else, learn to take her own advice?"
Yea I know! ANOTHER MEG CABOT BOOK!!! I just love her! I love how she writes about things that really go on in average teenage girls lives! (well maybe we won't all meet superstars or the presidents son or meet a reincarnation of King Arthur) but I love it! Like--Twilight is probably one of the best series I've ever read, but we're not going to fall in love with vampires and werwolves...So yea! Another book you all should read!
<3/book gurl
"Maybe it's not where Ellie wants to be, but if you have to start at a new school, Avalon High is typical enough: There's Lance, the jock. Jennifer, the cheerleader. And Will, senior class president, quarterback, and all around good guy.
But not everyone at Avalon High is who they appear to be..not even, as Ellie is about to discover, herself. As a bizarre drama begins to unfold, Ellie has to wonder, what part does she play in all this? Do the coincidences she's piecing together really mean-as in King Arthur's court-that tragedy is approaching for her new friends?
Ellie doesn't know if she can do anything to stop the coming trouble. But somehow, she knows she has to try."
Ok yea, this book may sound a little boring just from that...but you have to take my word for it: this book ROCKS MY SOCKS!!!!!!!!!!
<3/book babe
"Jared Hills has been haunted by that crash every night. It was the night everything changed. It was the night Leisel died.
Now, two years later, as Jared reflects on his life, he can't help but wonder at the the chain reaction of choices that led him to this: a black nametag and a calling to serve as a missionary of God.
It had been Leisel who had first sparked Jared's interest in the gospel. She and Rob had befriended Jared early on in his senior year of high school and the three soon became the best of friends. But even as all of Rob's choices seemed to be leading him away from the Church, all of Jared's choices were drawing him closer to it-and to Leisel.
And on the night of the horrible crash, Jared finally understands how lifechanging the consequences of a choice can be and finds the strength to make the most important choice of his life."
Ok, guys this is another great book and it is about the Gosple too! Jared Hills is a boy who grew up outside of the church with a dad who is total 'anti-mormon' and a mom who doesn't want to be with the gosple, but makes LDS friends and...well...you have to read it to find out what happens!
Chris Crowe is an English professor at BYU and has two award-winning books and four amazing books for LDS readers, or anyone!

<3/Book Babe
"Top Ten Reasons why Samantha Madison is in DEEP trouble.
10. Her big sister, Lucy, is the most popular girl in school
9. Her little sister, Rebecca, is a certified genius
8. She's in love with her sisters boyfriend
7. She got caught selling celebrity portraits at school
6. And now she's being forced to take art classes
5. She just saved the President of the United States from an assassination attempt
4. So the whole world thinks she is a hero
3. Even though she is far, far from being a hero
2. And now she's been appointed teen ambassador to the UN
1. The president's son just might be in love with her"
Ok guys, I just finished this book and I absolutely LOVE it! I'm re-reading it for like the fourth time it is sooooooooooo good! This is a really good book by Meg Cabot(the same girl who wrote the Princess Diaries!) Hope this intro (that is on the back of the book's cover) has intruiged you to read it!
<3/book babe
Ok guys this is the book blog! This is where I am going to post books that i have been reading lately that I think are really good and you can check it out! Here I go!
<3/Book Babe