Thursday, March 27, 2008

Avalon High by: Meg Cabot

"Maybe it's not where Ellie wants to be, but if you have to start at a new school, Avalon High is typical enough: There's Lance, the jock. Jennifer, the cheerleader. And Will, senior class president, quarterback, and all around good guy.
But not everyone at Avalon High is who they appear to be..not even, as Ellie is about to discover, herself. As a bizarre drama begins to unfold, Ellie has to wonder, what part does she play in all this? Do the coincidences she's piecing together really mean-as in King Arthur's court-that tragedy is approaching for her new friends?
Ellie doesn't know if she can do anything to stop the coming trouble. But somehow, she knows she has to try."

Ok yea, this book may sound a little boring just from that...but you have to take my word for it: this book ROCKS MY SOCKS!!!!!!!!!!
<3/book babe


Ali said...

sounds like an AWESOME book haylee! i will totally read it! but when i have the time! right now i have to read Hoot for school!

KaitieBell said...

that's sounds really good! by the way, Haylee, i know an amazing book, The Miracle, by Anita Stansfield. It's in a series, but it's my favorite. i think you should put it on here....if you want to...

haylee ann (: said...

thanks ali that is a good book tho
kait every time you comment on here you refer me to books!

Hailey said...

Oh my, i didn't know you had a book blog! what a great idea!:)! oh my, don't you just love meg cabot? I just finished her "how to be popular" and it was really really good! i also just barely started reading her "teen idol" and its also very good! for now on when i need a book to read i am soo checking this out! thanks haylee!

haylee ann (: said...

No prob hails! yea i started how to be popular with my friend and just finished teen idol-your going to love it!

AnnaDee said...

i read this. its soo good. i'm gonna go re-read it!